this motorcycle charge connector is already sold in a set, if you got a difficulty when plugin it to your battery you can change the terminal with bigger one.
For them who like to do a touring with their motorcycle are always have an issue to charge their mobile phone.
but, now you can solve this problem. because now Welcomm sell a product that easy to use and yoke, welcomm sell the product in a set which is contain a connector, and a plug in charger. the connector is black and it shape like a lighter for car, the plugin charger is white. you can yoke them to the battery or accu with the red cable to the positif terminal and black cable to the negatif terminal, done ! "plug and ride"
you doesnt have to worried there is a short-circuit because in the package is also include a fuse.
so now you can do a touring without having an issue to charge your phone anymore.
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